US media puts together the Trump puzzle

Donald J. Trump, putative president of the US (pun intended), has alleged that the mainstream media, or “lame stream” as Trump styles it, is the “enemy” of the American people, which is obviously crazy-talk.

If the media is the enemy, and leakers in the White House are the problem, rather than the bad behavior leading to the leaks, then up is down and down is up. Maybe the pieces of the Trump puzzle will one day fall into place thanks to the US media. I happened across a WWII poster that fairly screamed to be shopped in parody of this foolishness.


Original WWII propaganda poster found here:

Putin reviews Trumpcare

Even Puti don’t like it. An alternate universe in which Trump has openly ceded his presidency to Putin and policy proposal reviews occur via Skype.

Puti reviews GOP health plan 2

The original images comprising this amalgamation were taken, with reckless disregard for and in wanton violation of any and all copyrights, from the internet.